*Note: Be sure to read the text in between the GIF's*
You walk through the air conditioned doors...
You walk through the air conditioned doors...
Theres just so much everywhere...
How many variations of trail mix did you say they have?!?!
Basking in the glory that is food:
And then there's samples...Which you could get quite animated about.
You try the delicious sample...
And you're pulled to the isle its on...
And there's nothing.
All you want to do is bang on the glass doors and wail aloud.
Defeated, you hang your head and whisper through tears:
And then there's that moment you pass someone who has the wanted possession in their cart...
Eventually you start to feel the effects of all the crowds & bright lights,
The grumpy toddler stage sets in:
You're literally starving and have begun to shop from hunger.
Isle 7 just made it into your cart.
The finish line is in view...
You spot your line with glee...
Okay, so people can be a little aggressive when it comes to checkout.
Not to mention the lines are long...
At last, you're finished. The exit is in sight.
You walk through the doors like,
Once you get back to your car, you be like,
You finally get home, and your person be like, "did you pick up pickles?"
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